Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plans May Stall His Promise to Boost Economy

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plans May Stall His Promise to Boost Economy

WWICS   President-elect Donald Trump promises to increase the growth rate of America two times during his term in office. But, will he really be able to deliver on his promise?

What is more, Trump is not talking about boosting the economy on a temporary basis. His promise is to provide a long term increase in the economy of the country at the rate of 4% per year.

The growth rate of America at present is 2% and according to economists, the best way to do is to get more people working for the country and by making people who are already working more productive.

Tax cuts and government spending will stimulate the economy but only for a short period of time and may result in inflation.

However, bringing in more labor force to work for the economy is a challenge. In the first place, it means fighting the demographic tide.

According to Robert J. Gordon, an economist at the Northwestern University, most of the people from baby boom era will be retiring. At present, there is a shortage of workers in the construction industry and the like.
The only quick solution that is available is to bring in immigrants as workforce that will replace the retiring baby boomers.

The benefits from immigrant workforce are clearly evident if we take a look at the past two decades. Nearly half of the growth in the past twenty years has come from immigrant labor force.

But, Donald Trump who is preparing to deport millions of immigrants may affect the economy in a bad manner. It remains to be seen on what basis he will bring an annual growth of 4% when there are too few hands to work.

According to economists, the rhetoric from Donald Trump was very negative during the election campaign, but now that he has won the election and is in governing mode, he has to contemplate and analyze reality.
If Donald Trump wants to give a 4% annual growth rate than he will need more hands, and for that he will have to call more immigrants to the country.

You can ask your questions from WWICS complaints cell, which is one of the largest immigration service provider. WWICS has helped numerous clients in settling happily in their dream country in its more than two decades of operation. You can read the feedback of these clients in the WWICS reviews section.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Donald Trump Soften Stance on Immigration

It is an often heard scenario across the world. Politicians promise something when they woe people for voting and their stance change when they are elected.

There are indications that President-elect Donald Trump will pull back on some of the immigration policies which he had proposed as a candidate.

Many of the things remain the same, including strongly enforcing the immigration laws that were promised by Trump. He still wants to build a wall that will divide southern borders of United States from Mexico.
However, Donald Trump has become soft on removing 11 million undocumented immigrants that are living in the country.
At the start of his election campaign, he proposed to block all Muslim immigrants had been changed just before the November 8 voting. As per the new proposal, new immigrants will be carefully vetted before they enter the country.

Donald Trump has also indicated that he may cancel some of the executive order from President Barack Obama, but also indicated that he is ready to compromise on certain issues.

During the election campaign, one immigration order from Obama is often talked about by Trump. It is about nearly 700,000 immigrants who are living illegally in the country and who entered US as children and were given the permission to work legally.

These people are at times called ‘dreamers’. In a recent discussion held with Time magazine, Trump showed his soft side in this issues and talks of coming out with a way that will make people proud and happy.

Donald Trump added that these people came to this country at a very young age, they have gone to school here and have been good students, and they have worked here and have wonderful jobs.

During the election period, Trump said that he will remove all the illegal immigrants, now he moulds his thoughts and says that only undocumented immigrants will be removed particularly those who have committed crimes.
This is something which will not be easy for Trump to implement as during Obama administration some countries refused to accept the return of their citizens.

In case you wish to invest and immigrate to US, do so in the right manner with the right guidance. This can be done if you take the guidance from a renowned immigration consultant WWICS. You can also ask your questions related to immigration from the WWICS complaints Cell. You can read the feedback from numerous clients who are now happily settled in US in the WWICS reviews section.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Canada Makes Major Changes in Temporary Foreign Workers Program

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) made changes in its temporary foreign workers program which will be effective immediately. As per the new rule, the four year cumulative duration rule will not be applicable any longer.

As per this rule, which is famously known as ‘four in, four out’, implies that some foreign workers lose their eligibility to work in Canada for 4 years after they complete four years of work in Canada. 

Originally, this rule was implemented in April, 2011, by the previous Conservative government. During that time, the government implemented the rule with the thought that many workers lose ties with the country of their origin as they have to obtain Canada permanent residency.

However, the rule ran into controversy soon as it also affected employers, families and the communities along with the workers as they had established social and economic ties. Foreign workers, in many cases, were not able to become eligible to apply for Canada permanent residency. This meant that they had to leave the country after the completion of four years.

Preventing Instability and Hardship

On December 13, 2016, it was stated by IRCC that ‘four-in, four-out’ provision will be put to end with immediate effect. Its objective is to prevent unwanted instability and hardship for both the employers and workers.

IRCC also added that the work of government is not over yet, as it is further developing pathways to help eligible candidates become the permanent residents of Canada. The government is still making plans to fine tune this issue.

The four year rule has put considerable amount of instability and uncertainty on both employers and foreign workers in many ways. According the immigration minister, John McCallum, there was unnecessary pressure not only of employers and applicants but also on officer who process the application for permanent residency.

The four year rule will not be applicable on all foreign workers living in Canada. Exemptions apply on workers in professional (NOC A) and managerial (National Occupational Classification 0) positions, workers with provincial nomination certificate and workers in Canada under NAFTA.

You can ask your questions from WWICS complaints cell, which is one of the largest immigration service provider. WWICS has helped numerous clients in settling happily in their dream country in its more than two decades of operation. You can read the feedback of these clients in the WWICS reviews section.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Donald Trump Administration May Loose Billions in GDP if 11 Millions are Deported

Donald Trump has appointed new officers in his cabinet and the backgrounds of these officers indicate that they can take tough stance on immigration and environment. However, it looks like that Trump is becoming soft on his immigration stance.

It is getting clear that until the time Donald Trump takes office in the oval office, the actual policies of president will not be clear.

Under the Trump administration, the Department of Homeland Security will be headed by retired Marine gen. John Kelly. Scott Pruitt who is the Attorney General of Oklahoma, the one has been a denier of climate change whose policies had been quite beneficial for fossil fuel companies, will be given the charge of Environmental Protection Agency.

The former chief executive of World Wrestling Entertainment, Linda McMahon, will be appointed as the head of Small Business Administration. Her appointment will breathe in new life in the post of secretary.
N the latest news update, mayors of some of the major cities in US have warned President-elect Donald Trump, that if he removes the program that give permission to young illegal workers to remain in the United States than it may lead to economic harm.

In a letter to Trump it has been mentioned that if these illegal immigrants are deported from the country than it will result in a loss of $430 billion of US gross domestic product in the next 10 years and a loss of nearly $10 billion in tax revenues.

In 2012, an executive order was passed known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals which allowed undocumented young immigrants below the age of 16 to remain in the country and pursue higher studies without any fear of deportation. These people were also allowed to work or serve as military personnel.

This order needs to be renewed after every two years. According to the promoters of this program, it enables to instill national security and public safety. As per the letter, more than 740,000 undocumented people have been part of DACA.

It looks like that the Donald Trump administration is set to reverse this regulation. As per an estimate, nearly 11 million people will be deported from the country.

You can ask your questions from WWICS complaints cell, which is one of the largest immigration service provider. WWICS has helped numerous clients in settling happily in their dream country in its more than two decades of operation. You can read the feedback of these clients in the WWICS reviews section.

Friday, December 2, 2016

University of California Pledges to Protect Illegal Immigrants from Donald Trump Administration

University of California Pledges to Protect Illegal Immigrants from Donald Trump Administration

Janet Napolitano is a former official of Obama administration and she is now head of California’s public university system. Janet is preparing to fight President-elect Donald Trump over illegal immigration.

During the first term of Obama, she has served as secretary of Homeland Security and an announcement has been made by her that the vast system of higher education will now put into force the federal law when it comes to undocumented immigrants.

Janet said that we are still not aware about the new practices and policies that the Donald Trump administration will come up with, but considering the proposals that have been put forward by President-
elect during the election campaign, we would like to reaffirm that the right to live, work and study safely will be held for everyone here.

The university system, however, did not declared that it is a sanctuary, but it clearly mentioned that it will protect students of University of California who are now living illegally in the country.

It has been added that the university system will not break any law, but, simple, the local police officials will not join any operation that will be carried out by immigration authorities or other agencies.

As per the federal law, campus police and other law enforcement agencies is supposed to report in case they suspect any illegal immigrant who is residing in the country. Promises that have been made by Donald Trump on illegal immigrants have been openly defied by dozens of cities across the United States including numerous churches and colleges.

No action has been taken by the Obama administration, but Donald Trump has said that he will cut down federal funding to all the cities that do not co-operate. Illegal immigrants will be admitted by the University of California is the same manner as permanent residents or citizens of US.

As per the official new policy from Napolitano, it is not mandatory for campus police to cooperate with federal, state or local law enforcement agencies to investigate arrest or detain people who violate federal immigration laws.

For future aspiring immigrants who wish to settle in USA, the secure and safe path is to immigrate to US in a legal manner. The best way to do is consult a well-known immigration consultant WWICS.

Remove all your confusion related to immigration from the WWICS complaints cell. Thousands of people have been helped in the past, you can read the feedback of these people from the WWICS reviews section.